Friday, December 3, 2010

How to Install SQL Server 2005 - A Quick Guide

Insert the DVD into the DVD drive
The SQL Server installation screen appears
For most installations, if installing on standard 32 bit Windows XP Professional, click on the x86-based operating systems option.
Click on Server components, tools, Books online and samples
Read and accept the terms and conditions of the license agreement
Then click Next.
The Installing Prerequisites screen
Click on the Install button and wait whilst the system components are configured. This may take 10-20 seconds.
Prerequisites are installed
Welcome to the Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard
The System Configuration Check screen
If the configuration check completes successfully (Success appears in the top panel, all ticks in the Details panel), click on Next.
Fill in the Registration Information details
Click on Next.
Select the components to install
Note that the components selected in the screen shot above are the most common components that will be needed for most developers and development DBAs. However, if another component such as Analysis Services is needed, it can be added easily afterwards by re-inserting the installation DVD and re-running the setup program. Click on the Advanced button to open up further options.
Feature selection
As a general rule it is not necessary to change the default installation path or the Developer Edition installation, unless your organization has a standard which is different. If in doubt, check an existing PC or server at your site.
Select the Default instance
If the Default instance radio button is disabled, this probably means that there is another, default instance of SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 already installed on this machine. In this case, consult the DBA for the project as it may not be necessary or desirable to re-install the database components. Click on Next.
Select the radio button Use the built-in System account
The first step will change the Windows account under which the SQL Server service executes to the Local System account. In a production environment or certain development environments, it may be desirable to change this to a domain user account, but this is not usually necessary for local developer installations. Note that the service account settings can be changed through the Services applet in the Control Panel at any point after installation, however SQL Server will require re-starting in order for these changes to take effect. Click on Next.
Change Authentication Mode to Mixed Mode and set a password for the sa logon
Click on Next.
Keep the default collation settings, unless you have a reason to change them
Click on Next.
Error Reporting and Usage options
Click on Next.
The SQL Server pre-installation screen
Click on Install.
SQL Server setup progress
This step usually takes 10-30 minutes, but requires no user intervention - so now's a good time to take a break and make some coffee.
SQL Server setup has finished
Click on Next.
Completing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
If you only want the database server to be accessible from the machine on which it is installed, click on Finish. SQL Server 2005 installation is now complete. However, if you wish the database server to be accessible from other machines, click on the Surface Area Configuration tool link.
The Help Protect Your SQL Server screen will appear
Click on the Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections link.
SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration
Click on the Remote Connections node in the left hand tree pane, then click on ocal and remote connections. By default, TCP/IP only is selected and is usually sufficient in most development environments, but if you suspect that you may need SQL Server 2005 to host legacy applications which require support for the named pipes SQL Server communication protocol, click on Using TCP/IP and Named Pipes. If in doubt, consult the DBA for the project. In addition, if you wish this installation of SQL Server to automatically announce itself on the network to automatic database server directory queries, click on the SQL Server Browser Service, set the Startup type to Automatic, click on Apply, then click on the Start button.
Click on OK, and then close the Help Protect Your SQL Server screen.
Finally, click on the Finish button on the Completing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup screen.
 Well done - SQL Server 2005 setup is now complete.

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